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I don't want to talk about it ebook

Version: 76.27.32
Date: 09 April 2016
Filesize: 200 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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If I had to choose one aspect of blogging that has had the biggest impact on our ability to turn our blog into our full-time business, e Books would be it. e Books are the thing that took a little hobby blog that I started on a whim and showed us all it could be capable of. I know that sounds awfully dramatic to say about a little PDF file, but it’s true. e Books were a complete game changer for us. If you’d like to read our whole e Book story, you can do so over at Just a Girl and Her Blog. Today, though, I wanted to share a rundown of the process that we go to when we write and launch a profitable e Book, just in case any of you were planning on taking the plunge as well! This page contains affiliate links meaning we earn a commission if you use those links. We only recommend brands we use and trust. If you’re wondering whether writing an e Book is something you even could or should do, I encourage you to read on. When Donnie first suggested I write an e Book, I turned him down immediately. Certainly I didn’t have enough knowledge or experience to write an e Book or did I? Thankfully, he was persistent and I eventually gave in, and in this instance, he’s the one who gets to say, “ I told you so!” Why create and sell a digital product? Before we talk about e Books specifically, I want to talk about why creating and selling your own digital products is such a good idea. Many bloggers get into the “ads and affiliate income” zone, but never take the next step and create a product of their own. Ads and affiliate income typically follow a somewhat linear path — as traffic increases so does your ad revenue and affiliate income on almost a 1:1 level. If a blogger is optimized for ad revenue and has worked hard to add relevant affiliate links to their best posts, it’s fairly easy to predict their income based on their monthly pageviews. You’re very dependent on those pageviews. The.
photo credit: jblyberg If you own a blog you probably know by now that one of the best ways to get subscribers is by making and e Book and giving it away for free on your blog in exchange for an email address. In fact, despite being used by thousands of bloggers around the world the old free e Book technique is still working wonders. That is, if you do it right. I often get emails from people asking me why their e Book isn’t getting downloaded. And when a good friend sent me an SMS last week asking me if I’d written about how to make an e Book I thought I would address everything at once. I’m going to show you how I do everything when I make and e Book from brainstorming ideas to defining concepts, designing the layout and cover to finally uploading it to your blog or website. What’s in this article? Let me just start by highlighting a few of the major points that will get covered in this article on how to make an e Book. What program to use to write your e Book What file type your e Book needs to be (hint: its a PDF) How to convert your e Book to a PDF Where to find royalty free images to use in your e Book and how to edit them How to develop concepts, titles and content that rocks How to design and make an e Book cover How to deliver your e Book to your readers How to promote your e Book for free using my funnel strategy Of course I am going to miss out on something so if you have any experience with making an e Book please stop by and leave a comment giving your advice and words of wisdom. Blog Tyrant articles seem to get indexed really well on Google nowadays so your comment will quite likely be seen by a lot of people over the years. Why make an e Book? photo credit: richardmasoner If you are reading this post it is likely that you already know the benefits of making an e Book so I won’t go in to too much detail here. Some of the reasons all internet marketers and bloggers.
Sitting down to write this is kinda surreal as Talk To Me Johnnie, the blog, was just a way for me to answer the hundreds of questions and emails I received after launching the Cross Fit Football site in 2009. For those of you new to this, Cross Fit Football launched on March 31, 2009 and nothing like it had been seen in the training space as of yet. Athletes were either following a constantly varied training program or some from of periodized program and template, both were used with success, but when CFFB launched with periodized strength templates that followed progression a specific blended with constantly varied metabolic conditioning, sprinting and jumping; functional fitness world was turned on its side. As you can imagine, people were curious, excited, angry and supportive and they let me know it via email. At first I sat down to answer these emails one by one, I shortly realized there had be a better solution. About that time my favorite movie, First Blood, came on TBS and as Colonel Troutman speaks the iconic line, Coven leader to Raven, talk to me Johnny, I got an idea. The concept of a searchable database of nutrition, training and performance that athletes could use during their training journey. Talk To Me Johnnie was born shortly there after with the help of my good friend, Chops. Fast forward five years and hundreds of blog posts relating from everything from training, getting stronger, getting faster and what to eat to fashion advice on jean shorts. My blog covers it all as I did not cherry pick questions and I answered them as they came. My only stipulation was I had to be in a certain mood to write and had a few beers. I find that my funniest and most insightful work comes towards the end of the night when something interesting hits my inbox, I then would grab a beer and sit down to tend the flock. I am sure there has been as much butt hurt as good.

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